Advanced Composite Material Technology

TenCate developed a recycled “flow layer” concept that integrates recycled thermoplastic composite materials back into the supply chain. Source: TenCate

Recenty, TenCate Advanced Composites, a global developer and manufacturer of composite materials, reported on their latest developments in composite material technologies for aerospace and high performance industrial markets.

Key projects at the Dutch based company include the development of a recycled “flow layer” concept. It integrates recycled thermoplastic composite materials back into the supply chain. The flow layer concept combines the design freedom of Bulk Molding Compounds (BMC) with the mechanical properties of reinforced thermoplastic laminates. Thus, it utilizes excess material derived at both component point of manufacture and end of life, achieving a near 100% buy-to-fly ratio, according to TenCate.

As a supplier to the aerospace market, the company optimized the thermoplastic composites for Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) processing methods. High performance systems, such as unidirectional tapes, have been used in the latest development from the TAPAS 2 (Thermoplastic Affordable Primary Aircraft Structures) project, a thermoplastic upper spar for an aircraft engine pylon. This demonstrates the progression of continuous fiber reinforced material technologies and formats into new territories. Interesting journey.

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