Trident Limited is the world’s largest manufacturer of wheat straw-based paper. The company is one of India’s preferred suppliers of high quality paper for multi-color high-speed printing, publishing, and branded copier paper. It focuses on being eco-friendly and is the first mill in the world to use elemental chlorine free (ECF) bleaching and oxygen delignification on wheat straw.
The straw paper manufacturer needed a retention measurement solution to help reduce sheet breaks on their paper machine producing high quality copier and printing paper. Retention control is important for paper making operations due to the large influence it has on the variability reduction of paper quality and its ability to help stabilize the wet end.
Recently, Trident decided on an ABB measurement system to help measure the total consistency of the white water as well as to provide retention monitoring and control on their paper machine. Typically, customers achieve a 5% reduction in roll rejects within six months of installation, according to the Swiss supplier.
Included in the installation is a deaeration device, a sample pump and automatic flushing to keep the sensor clean. The display unit and sensor do not need any additional protective housing to withstand difficult conditions at the paper machine’s wet end. The self-cleaning design coupled with its ability to withstand tough environments will enable minimum maintenance and reduced lifecycle costs as ABB reports.