Nissan glows in the dark

Nissan in Europe has become the first manufacturer to apply glow-in-the-dark car paint to its all-electric LEAF. The company worked with Hamish Scott to develop a spray-applied coating that absorbs UV energy during the day so that it glows for between eight and 10 hours when the sun goes down. Hamish Scott award winning inventor of Starpath, the world’s first UV powered pathway has been working in conjunction with the international brand names to create innovative UV merchandise using his unique, patented, environmentally-friendly, cutting-edge formula.

Nissan torna-se a primeira fabricante a aplicar pintura que brilha em um carro.
Nissan torna-se a primeira fabricante a aplicar pintura que brilha em um carro.

While glowing car paint is already available, as are glow-in-the-dark car wraps, the bespoke, ultraviolet-energized paint created especially for Nissan is unique thanks to its secret formula made up of entirely organic materials. It contains a very rare natural earth product called Strontium Aluminate, which is solid, odorless and chemically and biologically inert.

Various third-party companies have applied non-organic glow-in-the-dark paint to vehicles before, but Nissan is the first car maker to directly apply such technology. Nissan’s unique paint, if made commercially available, would last for 25 years, as the car manufacturer told.

“The Nissan LEAF is a shining beacon of sustainability and the future of motoring,” said Nissan Motor GB Limited EV manager Paul O’Neill. “Not only is it saving our customers money in running costs, but we are now seeing how it is helping people become more environmentally sensitive by reducing their carbon footprint.”

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