Zero-Emission Shipping

ABB and Ballard Power Systems partnered to develope the next-generation fuel cell power system for sustainable marine e-mobility. Image Credit: ABB

ABB and Ballard Power Systems signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to jointly design, develop and validate a fuel cell power system for the shipping industry. This system has the potential to play a significant part in accelerating the industry-wide adoption of sustainable solutions for marine e-mobility, and help ship-owners meet the increasing demands for clean operations.

ABB and Ballard Power Systems will leverage the existing kilowatt-scale fuel cell technologies and optimize them to create a pioneering megawatt-scale solution suitable for powering larger ships. With an electrical generating capacity of 3MW (4000 HP), the new system will fit within a single module no bigger in size than a traditional marine engine running on fossil fuels.

“This memorandum of understanding is a significant next step in our ongoing relationship with ABB,” said Rob Campbell, Chief Commercial Officer at Ballard Power Systems. “The rapidly evolving marine market represents an exciting growth opportunity for zero-emission fuel cell technology. And, Ballard’s prior development and deployment of megawatt-scale containerized PEM fuel cell systems for land-based use gives us the critical experience and knowledge to collaborate effectively on the development of clean energy solutions for key marine market applications.”

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